Construction Timeline

Please understand that seeing Co-Mo Connect contractor trucks in your area the first step of many before Co-Mo’s services can be installed and turned on at your home and/or business. Here are a few milestones you can look for along the way to receiving our services in your home:
- Once an area reaches its signup goal, engineers working for Co-Mo Connect must draw up the plans for fiber-line construction in the area.
- When the plans are completed, then the construction job will be bid out to contractors.
- Once a contractor has been awarded, the construction date will be set, and fiber-line construction will begin.
- Near the completion of the construction, you will be billed for your installation fee.
- After construction is completed, and if you have paid your installation fee, a Co-Mo Connect customer service representative will call you to set up an installation date. On that date, an installer will come to your home to switch on your internet/TV/phone service(s).
- Welcome to Co-Mo Connect Country!
Frequently Asked Questions
When is construction scheduled to begin in Prairie Home?
Construction has been completed and services are available NOW! Sign up for service HERE!
When will I start receiving internet/TV/phone services?
Construction has been completed and services are available NOW! Sign up for service HERE!
When will I be billed for my installation fee?
You will be billed the $150 installation fee when your installation is scheduled.
How is the fiber line being placed during construction?
In the case of Prairie Home, all fiber-line construction is expected to be underground and along utility easements.