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Better, Faster, Friendlier
Internet is Coming Soon
to Climax Springs!

Co-Mo Connect’s Ultra-Fast Internet is coming soon to Climax Springs! Fiber optic network construction is underway within the city limits and is scheduled for completion by the end of Spring 2025!

Scroll down to see a service area map and sign up for email/text updates! Be the first to know when Ultra-Fast Internet is available to your area!

NOTE: We do not take pre-orders before construction is completed. Please DO NOT place an order at this time. You can sign up for email updates below to find out when Ultra-Fast internet service is available to you.

    I want to receive email updates about fiber-line construction in the City of Climax Springs!


    Q: How can I learn more about Co-Mo’s pricing/information for Internet, TV, and Phone services?
    A: Visit or call 844-99-FIBER for more information about Fiber Internet, TV, and home phone services and pricing.

    Q: How will fiber lines be built in the area?
    A: Due to an agreement with the City of Climax Springs, fiber lines are being installed both overhead and underground when necessary. Construction equipment may be staged in your area to accomplish construction. If you have any issues or questions about the result of our construction, please call us at 844-99-FIBER, and we would be happy to help you with any questions/concerns.

    Q: When will I know when services are active and I can order?
    A: When services are ready, Co-Mo Connect will communicate to eligible residents via postcards, email/text updates (scroll up to sign up for email updates), and social media (